Multiplayer Options

The two below optional mechanics can serve as a great way to add a bit of additional flare to multiplayer games, and provide a means by which individual players can add their own personal style to their character’s actions occasionally!

Style Points

When a single player succeeds at double or more the Challenge Level of a check before adding on bonuses, and the Challenge Level was a 20 or higher, they are entitled to receive a Style Point from the Game Master. Style Points are temporary bonuses the character obtains as a result of their actions in game. Before performing any Difficulty Check that will have one of their skill bonuses applied to it, they may choose to spend one of their Style Points to add an additional +5 bonus to their skill. Within the narrative they are granted a degree of “Rule of Cool” flair (if they succeed) on how their character not only succeeded at the check, but did so with style.

All style points are lost between sessions, so spend them if you have them! (Game Masters may make an exception for Style Points earned near the end of the session which did not have ample opportunity to be spent)

Style Points can only be spent on Group Checks if all members possess at least one Style Point and each member opts into spending their point. This may optionally trigger a teamwork montage to 80’s music, at the Game Master’s discretion.

The Comeback Coin

Similar to Style Points, the Comeback Coin is a one time bonus a player may spend for a Check, with some differences.

Whenever you fail a Difficulty Check they have applicable skill bonuses for by 20 or more after applying bonuses and no other player currently possesses the Comeback Coin, you obtain it. There is only ever a single coin in possession (thus its singular name)

If another player already possesses the Comeback Coin, then you must fail that Difficulty Check by an even larger magnitude than they did in order to take the coin from them. This threshold continues to escalate each time. Taking the coin is not a choice, it is an automatic event that occurs.

You may spend the coin before attempting any solo Difficulty Check or Contested Check (even ones that you have no applicable bonuses on), to gain a +5 bonus on the check. The Comeback Coin and Style points cannot be used together, and the Comeback Coin cannot be spent on group checks.

Once spent the coin is no longer possessed by any players and the threshold for earning the Comeback Coin returns to the baseline of 20.