What's it about?

Tzi is a lightweight tabletop RPG I have designed that utilizes "Poker" dice with a "Keep and Reroll" mechanic to simulate traditional roleplaying checks.

What do I need to play?

At least a set of 5x Six Sided Dice and a way to take notes!

Is it standalone or a tool I can use in my existing games?

Both! Tzi can be played as its own standalone format for lightweight roleplaying games, or it can be retrofitted into all manner of existing tabletop games due to its platform agnostic design! In particular we recommend Tzi being primarily used as a solution for Progress Checks in existing RPGs, as it is a common mechanic many games struggle to fit into their "finite check" skill based "Pass or Fail" architectures. For further details see Adding on to Other Games

What makes it unique?

The core of Tzi's main mechanic revolves around the dice rolls telling their own story, and adding a player skill based game to the actual checks within the game. Tzi particularily shines with regards to "scaled" checks that are not so black and white compared to other more traditional games. Instead, Tzi brings the "Progress Check" to the table which presents a form of sliding scale of success! Instead of "You either pass or fail", Tzi focuses on the Time element of gameplay.

Its not necessarily about whether you succeed or fail... Its about how long it takes you to succeed, and how much you can accomplish in that time

Okay, I'm in, where do I start?

If you want to play Tzi as a standalone game with others, head over to Get started!

If you want to use Tzi for Progress Checks in an existing game, check out Performing Checks and then see if your game is supported over in Adding on to Other Games